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sâmbătă, 26 februarie 2011


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Despre MS13 Romana

La data de 13 mai 2006, Ernesto "Smokey" Miranda, un soldat ex-înalt rang şi unul dintre fondatorii de Mara Salvatrucha, a fost ucis în casa sa din El Salvador câteva ore după refuzând să participe la o petrecere pentru un membru al bandei, care au avut tocmai a fost eliberat din închisoare. El a început să studieze dreptul şi de lucru de a păstra copii din bande [18]. La data de 04 iunie 2008, în Toronto, Ontario, politia a executat 22 mandate de perchezitie, a facut 17 arestări şi 63 taxe stabilite în urma unei anchete de cinci luni. [19] La data de 22 iunie 2008, în San Francisco, California, un tanar de 21 de ani MS membru al bandei, Edwin Ramos, împuşcat şi ucis un tată, Anthony Bologna, 48, şi cei doi fii ai lui Michael, 20, şi Matei, 16, după lor pe scurt masina blocat Ramos de la completarea un viraj la stânga pe o stradă îngustă aşa cum au fost întorcea acasă de la un grătar, familie. [20] La data de 26 noiembrie 2008, Jonathan Retana a fost condamnat pentru uciderea lui Miguel Angel Deras, pe care autorităţile legate de o initiere MS. [21] În 2008, grupul de lucru MS coordonat o serie de arestări şi reprimări în SUA şi America Centrală, care a implicat mai mult de 6.000 de ofiţeri de poliţie în cinci ţări. Şaptezeci şi trei suspecţi au fost arestaţi în SUA;. În toate, mai mult de 650 au fost luate în custodie [22] În luna februarie 2009, autorităţile din California, Colorado şi a arestat 20 de membri ai statelor membre şi confiscate 10 de lire sterline de metamfetamină, 2.3 kg (5 lire sterline) de cocaina, o cantitate mică de heroină, 12 arme de foc şi 3300 dolari în numerar. [23] În iunie 2009, Edwin Ortiz, Jose Amaya Gomez şi Alexander Aguilar au fost MS membrii bandei din Long Island a trecătorilor, care au confundat cu membrii bandei rivale. Ca rezultat, doi civili nevinovaţi au fost împuşcaţi. Edgar Villalobos, un muncitor a fost ucis. [24] La data de 04 noiembrie 2009, liderii El salvadoriene din MS-13 banda ar fi pus un contract pe agentul federal responsabil pentru înăsprirea restricţiilor privind sale facţiuni New York, Daily News a învăţat. Aramă complot de asasinare a Imigrare neidentificate şi executare agent vamal a fost dezvaluit intr-un mandat de arestare pentru reputaţi gasca membru Walter (Duke) Torres. Torres înclinat autorităţile în plan după el şi alte patru MS-13 membri au fost oprite de detectivi NYPD pentru hassling trecători pe de Nord B-dul. Queens în ultima lună. El a declarat poliţişti a avut informaţii să treacă mai departe, şi a fost debriefed 22 octombrie la Rikers Island, unde a fost ţinut în baza unui mandat emis în Virginia, în conformitate cu papers.Torres instanţă a declarat că "pentru uciderea a venit din partea conducerii în bandă El Salvador, "ICE agent Sean Sweeney a scris într-o declaraţie pe proprie răspundere pentru un nou mandat de încărcare Torres cu conspiraţie. Torres, care a aparţinut unui MS-13 "clicii" din Virginia, a spus el a fost pus în sarcina, si a calatorit la New York în luna august ", cu scopul specific de a participa în planificarea şi executarea complot omor," Sweeney scris. Gang membri au fost încercarea de a ajunge pe mâinile lor pe o puşcă de asalt de mare putere, ca un M-16 pentru a penetra vesta antiglont agentului. Un alt MS-13 autorităţile informator a spus agentul a fost marcat de moarte, deoarece gasca a fost "extrem de furios" la el pentru arestarea mulţi membri în ultimii trei ani, statele declaraţie pe proprie răspundere. Crima a fost trebuia să fie efectuate de către clică Flushing, în funcţie de informator. Procurorii federali au pus sub acuzare numeroase MS-13 membrii bandei pe înşelătorie, extorcare, prostituţia, răpirea, imigraţia ilegală, spălarea de bani, crima, contrabanda de persoane, trafic de arme, traficul de fiinţe umane şi a taxelor traficului de droguri. Agentul vizat speciale a fost investigator principal federal pe multe dintre cazuri federale. [25] La data de 27 iulie 2010, Charlotte, NC-şef US District judecător Robert J. Conrad, Jr. impus astăzi în mod oficial federal sentinţa pedepsei cu moartea pe Alejandro Enrique Ramirez Umana, alias "Wizard", a anunţat procurorul general adjunct A. Lanny Breuer a Divizia Penală şi SUA Anne procurorul M. Tompkins din Districtul de Vest din Carolina de Nord. Un juriu de 12 persoane federal în Charlotte au votat în unanimitate, la 28 aprilie 2010 de a impune pedeapsa cu moartea împotriva Umana după ce l-au condamnat la 19 aprilie 2010 privind taxele legate de crimele de Ruben Garcia Salinas şi fratele său, Manuel Garcia Salinas, pe 08 decembrie 2007. Umana este primul MS-13 membru în ţară pentru a primi pedeapsa cu moartea. Umana, 25, de Charlotte, a fost condamnat de către juriu pe toate contează plătesc, inclusiv conspiraţie de a participa la tâlhărie, două capete de acuzare de crime în ajutor a întreprinderii înşelătorie cunoscut sub numele de MS-13; două capete de acuzare de crime care rezultă din utilizarea unui arma într-o infracţiune violentă; posesia unei arme de foc de către un străin ilegal; un număr de extorcare de fonduri; şi două capete de acuzare penală asociate cu alterarea sau intimidare a martorilor. În timpul fazei de condamnare, de asemenea, juriul a constatat că Umana a fost responsabil pentru alte crime. Concret, juriul a constatat că la 27 iulie 2005, Umana ucis Jose Herrera şi Gustavo Porras în Los Angeles, iar pe 28 septembrie 2005, Umana participat şi ajutat şi instigat la uciderea lui Andy Abarca în Los Angeles. Umana a fost inculpat de un juriu federal grand la 23 iunie 2008. Martorii au depus mărturie la procesul său că Umana a fost un membru veteran al MS-13, care a venit ilegal la Charlotte pentru a ajuta la reorganizarea Charlotte MS-13 celule. Martorii, de asemenea, a mărturisit că la 08 decembrie 2007, în timp ce în Las Jarochitas, un restaurant de familie din Greensboro, Umana împuşcat Ruben Garcia Salinas fatal în piept şi Manuel Salinas Garcia în cap. Martorii au declarat că filmările au avut loc dupa ce fratii Garcia Salinas a avut "nepoliticos" semnele Umana gaşca lui de numindu-le de aprindere trei fotografii mai mult în restaurant "fals.", Conform mărturiei proces, Umana rănit o altă persoană, cu focuri de armă lui. Trial mărturie şi dovezi au arătat că Umana mai târziu a fugit înapoi la Charlotte cu MS-13 asistenţă. Umana a fost arestat cinci zile mai târziu în posesia arma crimei. probe suplimentare şi mărturii de la proces a arătat că în timp ce Umana a fost încarcerat în timp ce în aşteptarea procesului, el a coordonat încearcă să omoare martori şi informatori. În timpul procesului, Umana încercat să aducă un cuţit cu el la sala de judecată, care a fost descoperit de către mareşalii Umana SUA înainte de a fi transportate la tribunal. [26]
Imigraţia ilegală şi traficul de fiinţe umane Potrivit Washington Times, MS ", se crede ca au stabilit un centru de contrabandă majoră" în Mexic [27] Au existat rapoarte de proiect Minuteman că membrii SM au fost ordonat la Arizona pentru a viza SUA Frontieră agenţi de patrulă şi voluntari Minuteman Project.. [ 28] [29] În 2005, ministrul de securitate din Honduras Oscar Alvarez şi preşedintele El Salvador ridicate de alarmă, susţinând că terorist musulman organizaţiei Al-Qaeda a fost întâlnirea cu Mara Salvatrucha şi alte bande din America Centrală pentru a le ajuta să se infiltreze în Statele Unite. Agenţi FBI a declarat că comunitatea de informaţii ale SUA şi guvernele mai multor ţări din America Centrală a constatat nu există nici un temei să credem că SM este conectat la Al-Qaeda sau alte radicali islamică, deşi Oscar a vizitat America Centrală pentru a discuta problema. [30] Robert Morales, un procuror de Guatemala, a indicat pentru The Globe and Mail că unii din America Centrală membrii bandei obţinerii statutului de refugiat în Canada. Superintendent al Poliţiei de Royal Canadian Mounted integrate Task Force bandei, Ioan Robin, a declarat intr-un interviu că "Cred ca [membrii bandei] au un sentiment de poliţie care aici nu le va trata în mod dur ajung acolo." [31 ] Robin remarcat faptul că autorităţile canadiene "doresc să evite se încheie până precum SUA, care se ocupă cu problema de gangsteri din America Centrală pe o scară mult mai mare". La graniţa de sud a Mexicului, gasca a dezlănţuit violenţa împotriva migrants.Gang marcaje mână şi semne

O gasca MS semn şi tatuaje. Mulţi membri Mara Salvatrucha se acopere în tatuaje. marcaje comune includ "MS", "Salvatrucha", "Diavolul coarne", numele de clica lor, şi alte simboluri. [33] A decembrie 2007 CNN articol de ştiri pe internet a declarat că banda a fost îndepărtat de tatuaje într-o încercare pentru a comite crime, fără a fi observat. [34]
Membrii de Mara Salvatrucha, ca membri ai bandelor cele mai moderne din America, folosesc un sistem de semne mână în scopuri de identificare şi comunicare. Una dintre cele mai frecvent este afişat "diavolului cap", care face un "M", atunci când sunt afişate cu susul în jos. Acest semn de mână este similară cu acelasi simbol observate frecvent afişate de muzicieni heavy metal şi fanii lor. Fondatorii de Mara Salvatrucha împrumutat semnul mâna după participarea la concerte de trupe heavy metal. [35]


Mara Salvatrucha

Mara Salvatrucha (commonly abbreviated as MS, Mara, and MS-13) is a transnational criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America.[1] The majority of the gang is ethnically composed of Central Americans and active in urban and suburban areas.
Members of MS distinguish themselves by tattoos covering the body and also often the face, as well as the use of their own sign language. They are notorious for their use of violence and a subcultural moral code that predominantly consists of merciless revenge and cruel retributions. This excessive cruelty of the distinguished members of the "Maras" or "Mareros" earned them a path to be recruited by the Sinaloa Cartel battling against Los Zetas in an ongoing drug war south of the United States border.[2][3][4] Their wide-ranging activities and elevated status has even caught the eye of the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who recently initiated wide-scale raids against known and suspected gang members netting hundreds of arrests across the country.


The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Union neighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.[5][6]
Originally, the gang's main purpose was to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other, more established gangs of Los Angeles, who were predominantly composed of Mexicans and African-Americans.[7]
Many Mara Salvatrucha gang members from the Los Angeles area have been deported after being arrested.[8] As a result of these deportations, members of MS have recruited more members in their home countries. The Los Angeles Times contends that deportation policies have contributed to the size and influence of the gang both in the United States and in Central America.[8] According to the 2009 National Gang Threat Assessment, "The gang is estimated to have 30,000 to 50,000 members and associate members worldwide, 8,000 to 10,000 of whom reside in the United States."[9]
In recent years the gang has expanded into the Washington, D.C. area, in particular the areas of Langley Park and Takoma Park near the Washington border have become centers of MS gang activity.[10]
On July 13, 2003, Brenda Paz, a 17-year-old female, former MS member turned informant was found stabbed on the banks of the Shenandoah River in Virginia. Paz was killed for informing the FBI about Mara Salvatrucha's criminal activities. Two of her former friends were later convicted of the murder.[12]
In 2004, the FBI created the MS National Gang Task Force. In 2005, the FBI helped create a National Gang Information Center and outlined a National Gang Strategy for Congress.[13]
On December 23, 2004, one of the most widely publicized MS crimes in Central America occurred in Chamelecón, Honduras when an intercity bus was intercepted and sprayed with automatic gunfire, killing 28 civilian passengers, most of whom were women and children.[14] MS organized the massacre as a protest against the Honduran government for proposing a restoration of the death penalty in Honduras. Six gunmen raked the bus with gunfire. As passengers screamed and ducked, another gunman climbed aboard and methodically executed passengers.[15] In February 2007, Juan Carlos Miranda Bueso and Darwin Alexis Ramírez were found guilty of several crimes including murder and attempted murder. Ebert Anibal Rivera was held over the attack and was arrested after having fled to Texas.[16] Juan Bautista Jimenez, accused of masterminding the massacre, was killed in prison. According to the authorities, fellow MS-13 inmates hanged him.[17] There was insufficient evidence to convict Óscar Fernando Mendoza and Wilson Geovany Gómez.[16]
An MS suspect bearing gang tattoos is handcuffed.
On May 13, 2006, Ernesto "Smokey" Miranda, an ex-high ranking soldier and one of the founders of Mara Salvatrucha, was murdered at his home in El Salvador a few hours after declining to attend a party for a gang member who had just been released from prison. He had begun studying law and working to keep children out of gangs.[18]
On June 4, 2008, in Toronto, Ontario, police executed 22 search warrants, made 17 arrests and laid 63 charges following a five-month investigation.[19]
On June 22, 2008, in San Francisco, California, a 21-year old MS gang member, Edwin Ramos, shot and killed a father, Anthony Bologna, 48, and his two sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16, after their car briefly blocked Ramos from completing a left turn down a narrow street as they were returning home from a family barbecue.[20]
On November 26, 2008, Jonathan Retana was convicted of the murder of Miguel Angel Deras, which the authorities linked to an MS initiation.[21]
In 2008, the MS task force coordinated a series of arrests and crackdowns in the U.S. and Central America that involved more than 6,000 police officers in five countries. Seventy-three suspects were arrested in the U.S.; in all, more than 650 were taken into custody.[22]
In February 2009, authorities in Colorado and California arrested 20 members of MS and seized 10 pounds of methamphetamine, 2.3 kilograms (5 pounds) of cocaine, a small amount of heroin, 12 firearms and $3,300 in cash.[23]
In June 2009, Edwin Ortiz, Jose Gomez Amaya and Alexander Aguilar were MS gang members from Long Island who had mistaken bystanders for rival gang members. As a result, two innocent civilians were shot. Edgar Villalobos, a laborer was killed.[24]
On November 4, 2009, El Salvadoran leaders of the MS-13 gang allegedly put out a contract on the federal agent responsible for a crackdown on its New York factions, the Daily News has learned. The brazen plot to assassinate the unidentified Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent was revealed in an arrest warrant for reputed gang member Walter (Duke) Torres. Torres tipped authorities to the plan after he and four other MS-13 members were stopped by NYPD detectives for hassling passersby on Northern Blvd. in Queens last month. He told cops he had information to pass on, and was debriefed Oct. 22 at Rikers Island, where he was being held on a warrant issued in Virginia, according to court papers.Torres said "the order for the murder came from gang leadership in El Salvador," ICE agent Sean Sweeney wrote in an affidavit for a new warrant charging Torres with conspiracy. Torres, who belonged to an MS-13 "clique" in Virginia, said he was put in charge, and traveled to New York in August "for the specific purpose of participating in the planning and execution of the murder plot," Sweeney wrote. Gang members were trying to get their hands on a high-powered assault rifle, like an M-16 to penetrate the agent's bulletproof vest. Another MS-13 informant told authorities the agent was marked for death because the gang was "exceedingly angry" at him for arresting many members in the past three years, the affidavit states. The murder was supposed to be carried out by the Flushing clique, according to the informant. Federal prosecutors have indicted numerous MS-13 gang members on racketeering, extortion, prostitution, kidnapping, illegal immigration, money laundering, murder, people smuggling, arms trafficking, human trafficking and drug trafficking charges. The targeted special agent was the lead federal investigator on many of the federal cases.[25]
On July 27, 2010, CHARLOTTE, NC—Chief U.S. District Judge Robert J. Conrad, Jr. today formally imposed the federal death penalty sentence on Alejandro Enrique Ramirez Umana, aka “Wizard,” announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Anne M. Tompkins of the Western District of North Carolina. A 12-person federal jury in Charlotte voted unanimously on April 28, 2010 to impose the death penalty against Umana after having convicted him on April 19, 2010 on charges related to the murders of Ruben Garcia Salinas and his brother, Manuel Garcia Salinas, on December 8, 2007. Umana is the first MS-13 member in the country to receive the death penalty. Umana, 25, of Charlotte, was convicted by the jury on all charged counts, including conspiracy to participate in racketeering; two counts of murder in aid of the racketeering enterprise known as MS-13; two counts of murder resulting from the use of a gun in a violent crime; possession of a firearm by an illegal alien; one count of extortion; and two criminal counts associated with witness tampering or intimidation. During the sentencing phase, the jury also found that Umana was responsible for other murders. Specifically, the jury found that on July 27, 2005, Umana killed Jose Herrera and Gustavo Porras in Los Angeles, and on September 28, 2005, Umana participated and aided and abetted the killing of Andy Abarca in Los Angeles. Umana was indicted by a federal grand jury on June 23, 2008. Witnesses testified at his trial that Umana was a veteran member of MS-13 who came illegally to Charlotte to assist in reorganizing the Charlotte MS-13 cell. Witnesses also testified that on December 8, 2007, while in the Las Jarochitas, a family-run restaurant in Greensboro, Umana shot Ruben Garcia Salinas fatally in the chest and Manuel Garcia Salinas in the head. Witnesses testified that the shootings took place after the Garcia Salinas brothers had “disrespected” Umana’s gang signs by calling them “fake.” Firing three more shots in the restaurant, according to trial testimony, Umana injured another individual with his gunfire. Trial testimony and evidence showed that Umana later fled back to Charlotte with MS-13 assistance. Umana was arrested five days later in possession of the murder weapon. Additional evidence and testimony from the trial revealed that while Umana was incarcerated while awaiting trial, he coordinated attempts to kill witnesses and informants. During trial, Umana attempted to bring a knife with him to the courtroom, which was discovered by U.S. Marshals prior to Umana being transported to the courthouse.[26]

Illegal immigration and human smuggling

According to The Washington Times, MS "is thought to have established a major smuggling center" in Mexico.[27] There were reports by the Minuteman Project that MS members were ordered to Arizona to target U.S. Border Patrol agents and Minuteman Project volunteers.[28][29]
In 2005, Honduran Security Minister Oscar Alvarez and the President of El Salvador raised alarm by claiming that Muslim terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda was meeting with Mara Salvatrucha and other Central American gangs to help them infiltrate the United States. FBI agents said that the U.S. intelligence community and governments of several Central American countries found there is no basis to believe that MS is connected to Al-Qaeda or other Islamic radicals, although Oscar did visit Central America to discuss the issue.[30]
Robert Morales, a prosecutor for Guatemala, indicated to The Globe and Mail that some Central American gang members seek refugee status in Canada. Superintendent of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police integrated gang task force, John Robin, said in an interview that "I think [gang members] have a feeling that police here won't treat them in the harsh manner they get down there."[31] Robin noted that Canadian authorities "want to avoid ending up like the U.S., which is dealing with the problem of Central American gangsters on a much bigger scale".On the southern border of Mexico, the gang has unleashed violence against migrants.Gang markings and hand signs
An MS gang sign and tattoos.
Many Mara Salvatrucha members cover themselves in tattoos. Common markings include "MS", "Salvatrucha", the "Devil Horns", the name of their clique, and other symbols.[33] A December 2007 CNN internet news article stated that the gang was moving away from the tattoos in an attempt to commit crimes without being noticed.[34]
Members of Mara Salvatrucha, like members of most modern American gangs, utilize a system of hand signs for purposes of identification and communication. One of the most commonly displayed is the "devil's head" which forms an 'M' when displayed upside down. This hand sign is similar to the same symbol commonly seen displayed by heavy metal musicians and their fans. Founders of Mara Salvatrucha borrowed the hand sign after attending concerts of heavy metal bands.[35]